Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Max likes your yabos, in fact, he loves 'em!

Finally, it's that most glorious time of year again. And no, I'm not talking about National Boss Day (which apparently was October 16th although I didn't celebrate because a) I hate my boss and b) Isn't being the boss reward enough? Am I supposed to get you flowers or something? Heck no.). Of course I mean Halloween. Actually, in my household, it's been Halloweentime for about the past month (our evite went out approximately 6 weeks early). Now, with only 11 days left, the excitement which I was able to mostly contain, is spilling out into almost every conversation. You know in Mean Girls, when Lindsey Lohan says she spent half her time talking about Regina and the other half wishing someone would bring her up so she could talk about her again? That's how I am with Halloween. And I'm not very subtle.

Non-Halloween-obsessed person: (Coughs.)
Me: Did you just ask me what I'm being for Halloween?
Non-Halloween-obsessed person: No, I just coughed.
Me: Oh, cause I thought you asked me what I'm gonna be for Halloween.
Non-Halloween-obsessed person: (Uncomfortable pause)
Me: Cause it's Elizabeth Bennet...from Pride and Prejudice. That's who I'm dressing as. Just in case you were wondering.
Non-Halloween-obsessed person: (Walks away.)

So yeah, it's getting a bit awkward. Only 11 more days! My costumes is completely done and I just need to do some dry runs of my hair. We even decorated the house already. Almost every square inch of wall is covered in some sort of anamatronic skull or motion-censored screaming. We obviously cannot turn everything on now I will lose my mind by the time Halloween actually rolls around. The psycho shower curtain can only scream at me upon entering the bathroom so many times before I will stop using the bathroom all together, explode with all the pent-up urine and die. Then no Halloween party for me. Although I would nobly tell Maggie to have the party even though I was dead because, hey, Halloween is bigger than all of us.

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