Monday, October 19, 2009

Radio Stars

My good friend (and probably only reader of this blog), Andrew came for a little visit this weekend, bringing with him the most fantastical gift ever. A RECORDING OF OUR OLD RADIO SHOW!!! Let me take you back in time. It is the Fall of 2005. A brave, young college senior is asked to join her friend's radio show to bring some female perspective. "Sure," she says, "I love hearing my own voice. I bet everyone else would, too." And she was right! Amy was a beacon of light in an otherwise boring political show. Think Crossfire but worse. But then Amy and Andrew made the...I can only call it "genius"...decision to cut the fat. Fat turning out to be 1) talking about politics and 2) everyone else on the show. And the rest is radio history. Well internet radio history.

I'm gonna stop talking in the third person now. Anyway, every Monday night we would go to Froggy Bottom Pub, have one (okay, two) pitchers of Bud Light, a couple Fat Birds, maybe a nacho or two, and make our way over to the spotlight of GW radio for an hour and a half of deep, philosophical conversation, mostly about what we did that weekend. And the laughter, oh the sweet, sweet laughter. I'm sure our listeners, everyone from our mothers to the people working across the hall at Ticketmaster, were in stitches as well. How could they not be? We were the answer to what the world had been crying out for in talk radio. A guy and girl, talking about their weekends, without much of an agenda or any real talent for the radio. "Yes," we cried out, "We will be that answer!".

I was a little nervous to listen the old shows but I daresay they were as good...nay, better...than I remembered. Whether we were discussing bus schedules, the latest celebrity baby news or back again to bus schedules, you could not helped but be entertained. One thing is certain, Awkward Silence needs to be back on the air. Even if we have to shell out $42K a year to return to GW, we will be heard. We will be heard.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

notice that like the circulator bus the topic of bus schedules circulated? coincidence, or genius?